Friday, 24 August 2012

Keep calm and carry on

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to manage increasing anxiety levels in a 10-year-old Miniature Poodle? Something homeopathic perhaps?

He is stressing himself for no apparent reason before and after a walk, when travelling in car etc.

Helpful suggestions appreciated.

Anita Foley, via Facebook


  1. Tellinton T touch can help alleviate anxiety. Presume you have had vet check to rule out physical issues. Could it be to do with going outside? has he/she had something happen when out side? Are you remaining calm and reassuring when the dog is stressed? Have you noticed any patterns in the behaviour? When did it start? Could do with more information.

  2. I have had healers in for my very anxious Am. Bull, Arnold. I offer him oils every day. There's Hops, Hemp and Valerium to calm him, Violet Leaf for fear, stress and anxiety and Jasmine, which is a hug in a bottle. It has helped enormously, and whilst he is still anxious in the outside world, he is much better than before.

  3. Thundershirt, lavender, Bachs Flower Essences, Dr Petals Elixirs, and Zylkene all spring to mind.

    Some may work, some may not but they're all at least worth a try. I've had success with most of them, and I know other people who've had success with one or more too.

  4. My West Highland terrier who is now nearly 15 had always suffered during fireworks and thunder storms and loud noises. We were recommended to use Zylkene by our vet as he had other medical problems which were aggravated when his anxiety levels increased.

    Zylkene is a once a day tablet which you can buy from the vet or online. Zylkène is a natural product, derived from casein, the protein in milk.

    It works for our dog.

  5. You can also give Rescue Remedy to pets...worked well for our Springer when he was a bit young and anxious once, and then you can take it yourself for a good night's sleep!! :-)
