Friday, 24 August 2012

An autoimmune problem shared...

CIMDA (Canine Immune Mediated Disease Awareness) has launched a new website with a forum for canine health-conscious:

Although only a qualified vet can and should issue veterinary advice, the friendly forum is a great place to discuss everything associated with a dog's autoimmune problems with dog owners who have experienced the process and can offer anecdotal advice, and help and support.

The group also encourages owners to report any reactions to veterinary drugs or vaccines to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate. Vets can and do volunteer this information, but it is estimated that only about one per cent of suspected adverse reactions are reports. The more information known about adverse reactions, the greater the chances of an investigation into the cause. The suspicion that an adverse reaction has been caused is enough to report it, you do not need confirmation that a drug or vaccine was the definite cause. For more information, and to report an adverse reaction, visit:

1 comment:

  1. Jo Tucker who formed the CIMDA was exceptionally helpful to me in the past when my puppy was suffering from SRMA. It was very beneficial talking to someone who had gone through a similar thing and who has helped many others.
