Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Torque of the town

Can any of your readers share how they make sure their dogs travel safely in the car? I’ve been using a dog guard between the boot where my dog travels and the passenger seat in the back, but have recently realised this is the crumple zone, and obviously cars have this for a reason.

Are purpose-built crates for the boot better, or should I try some sort of seatbelt? Would this allow my dog to move around a bit and remain comfortable? I drive a Ford Fiesta.

Any advice would be gratefully received.

Thank you,

Danielle, by email


  1. We have a GSD and have always used a crate, both in car and in the house. In car, I would never be happy about her safety or ours if she was loose in the back or boot and an accident occurred. I almost feel it should be a legal requirement to keep a dog safely in a dog crate when travelling. We do have an older estate car, purely for her benefit so that the crate fits.

  2. I've found the seatbelts to be a nightmare as they can tangle round the dogs legs easily - this is an innovation waiting to happen! Could someone please invent a dog seat-belt that you can reach and untangle from a passenger seat without contorting yourself to the point you need help to untangle - some really quick release and re-attach system please!
