Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Skinny Labbie


I know this is unusual considering the breed, but one of my Labradors struggles to maintain her weight, even if I feed her larger meals than my other girl. My vet is keeping an eye on her and says he doesn’t think there’s anything physically wrong with her.

Please could you advise what it could be and how I can help to keep her healthy?

E. Hall, by email

Please note: veterinary advice should always be sought if you are worried about your dog’s health


  1. Somtimes feeding larger meals is not enough to help a dog maintain weight. What food is she on? How much exercise does she do? How old is she? Is she spayed? These can all be factors that interfere with weight maintenance. I would advise speaking to people at your local pet shop. I know pets at home offer a nutrition service and other pet shops may be able to offer advice. Sometimes the amount of food needs careful calculation, and how often it is provided.

  2. Your vet, of course, is the best person to advise you but it is very difficult as an owner when we see a much loved pet not flourishing. The Kennel Club Gazette (and I'm sure other publications too) often carries a specialised advert for food designed to put weight on targetted at working breeds. It might be worth trying this.
