Tuesday, 6 November 2012

When is it best to spay?

My vet is advising I spay my eight-week-old pup at six months old before her first season, as it reduces the risk of mammary cancer by up to 85%.

With my previous dogs I have always allowed a number of seasons before spaying but does it matter whether a bitch has come in season or not before spaying? Are there any psychological issues with spaying a bitch who hasn't had a season?

This is causing me a real dilemma because I want to do what's best for the health of the dog.

Thanks for your guidance.

Dianne Evans, by email


  1. There are many differing opinions on the "best" age to spay or castrate our pets.

    All we can do, as responsible owners, is speak to our vets, perhaps get a second opinion from a vet at another practice, talk to other informed dog owners, and do our own research on the internet. Then taking into account the individual in question, weigh up the information you've learned and see whether the "spay now" or "wait to spay" has the greater weight.

  2. There really is so much conflicting advice about neutering and spaying, its had to work out what is 'right' but at the end of the day, there is no such thing. If you feel happier letting her have a few seasons, then do so. I also feel that is the best way. My vet wanted my girl done at 6 months, however being a larger breed, I wanted to let her finish growing first. It may increase the risk of mammary cancer, but it decreases the risk of bone cancer and joint problems later in life. You just have to weigh it all up really, and go with what you feel is best with your girl. My girl will be done after she is 2.

    There is no right or wrong answer.

  3. Have a look at October's Dogs Today. There's an informative article called "Fifty Shades of Spay" by Sarah Whitehead, Pet Behaviour Counsellor.
    Personally I prefer to wait until a bitch is fully mature, but this article is unbiased and looks at all the fors and againsts.

  4. Personally I would spay after the first season. Vets seem to differ on advice but this has always worked for us with no incontinence or other problems which are sometimes attributed to early nuetering.

  5. Thanks all very much for your advice, it is very much appreciated. Dianne

  6. Judith Stephens, Cornishk9Crafts15 November 2012 at 12:07

    I agree with In the Pink. I too would spay after the first season. Many years ago a dog trainer told me that the dog would not develop properly or even grow up if you did it too early. This proved to be the case for me and she was correct.
    It is of course a personal choice.
