Monday, 15 October 2012

Going down a treat


I’m hoping you or your readers can advise. I am switching my dog to a BARF diet but am wondering what to feed her for treats? She is so food-orientated (which made her quite a dream to train!) and I like to carry something smelly on walks in case I ever need to tempt her away from a discarded mouldy sandwich or similar.

Can you recommend something free from nasty additives?

Thank you.

Mrs Reid, by email


  1. Good question! I confess that I do allow the occasional bit of hot dog or cheese just for training treats, but I wouldn't want to feed too much of either. Homemade dog treats are good, using wholemeal flour and adding chicken stock, yoghurt, small bits of offal, grated vegetables etc. Just mix, roll out and bake. They do smell good, but maybe not as good as some other things found on walks...

  2. Cheese, cooked & cut up meat (sausage, chicken, minced beef), sandwich meat, Pimula/squeezt cheese, peanut butter, liver cake

  3. Rosco loves organic bananas. You can serve them fresh, or dehydrate them if you have the means.

  4. Pieces of dried fish, I break them up into crumbs:

    The dog love them.

  5. go for naturally dried treats, you can find those at

  6. Make your own, I make liver cake, pilchard and tuna cake, dry small pieces of liver or heart, cubes of cheese.

    500gms liver, 2 large eggs, tbs olive oil, parsley and garlic, 200gms flour.

    Put all wet ingredients through blender till smooth, add flour and blend, if mixture is too thick add some water to thin slightly. Pour into a lined tin and bake in the oven at 180 till firm allow to cool enough to handle cut into size suitable for your dog. You can either leave it moist or put back in oven to dry for easier handling but it's smellier when it's moist. I freeze on a tray so it stays loose then just take out when I need it.
    The pilchard and tuna cake is the same recipe just substitute a large tin of pilchards in tom sauce or 400/500 gms of tuna in oil or spring water.

  7. cook your own liver and chop up small, cheese, fish-for-dogs super stars training treats.....the list is endless :-)

  8. Dried liver, dried beef cubes, dried sprats. Or if you like disgusting, smelly pockets, cheese!
