Monday, 1 October 2012

Canine community

Hi all,

I'm hoping some of you fine folk will be able to help me out; I've set up a website ( aimed at helping pet owners who need short-term pet care, ie a for just a few hours or just overnight as there's currently nothing similar available. The idea is essentially based around the concept of local pet owners helping each other out.

It's early days, the website being only a couple of weeks old, and I'm in what might be called the 'customer discovery' phase using a Lean Start-Up business model, ie. I'm trying to clarify and define precisely what it is the site users want in terms of usability, functionality, features, format etc. Currently the website consists of a registration page although I have already connected several registered members.

I would be immensely grateful to anyone who would care to visit the site, have a look and even sign up as a Founder Member, it's free; then give me your feedback about the concept, the site, how you would want it to work or what content you would like to see on the site; in this way, the site gets built around the users' needs and is most effective.

Thanks very much in advance,

Mike Potts (Founder @ PetLodger), by email

1 comment:

  1. Update on the above:- I've updated the appearance of the site, including a password-protected Registered Memebrs page; if anyone's been to look at the web site previously, I'd appreciate any feedback on the new look.
    Many thanks in advance,
    Mike Potts (Founder @ PetLodger)
