Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Nighttime blues

Earlier this year, Hungarian Vizsla cross Blue was hit by a train. Amazingly he survived, but was left with a punctured lung and needed pins in his spine, pelvis and both legs, and a nylon cord inserted to hold his left hip in place.

Blue has undergone extensive physiotherapy and care and is doing really well.

His owner, Debbie, has got in touch to say he has just started to pee in the house at night when the family is asleep. They are concerned as he has never done this before and are unsure whether or not this is related to his accident. Someone had suggested it could be a separation anxiety issue, but Blue sleeps in his own bed in Debbie’s bedroom as he needed round-the-clock care, so Debbie doesn’t think this is the reason.

Does anyone have a similar experience with their own dog? We have of course suggested Debbie asks her vet, with whom she is in regular contact following Blue’s accident.


  1. Mine has done that this week, she pushes my bedroom door open through the baby gate and runs up n down between my door and the back door, she had done this but couldnt wake me and was desperate.. So i got up to a wet rug near the back door..... Maybe he couldnt wake you up?

  2. I have known of owners who have had what they thought was spey incontinence in dogs and eliminating Gluten from the diet was the answer.

  3. A visit and check up at the vet is a MUST, especially after the trauma of the accident and massive surgery.
    DON'T try ANY remedies until he has been seen by the vet who will probably do some tests to find out what's going on.

  4. Several issues come to mind.

    Have your vet check his bladder either through x-rays, or a special radiograph using dye. Sometimes in trauma cases like this, the ligaments holding the bladder in place stretch or tear...causing a dog to have issues much like those of older women who have given birth, where the bladder presses against the urethra causing the dog to need to pee more often than usual.

    Your vet should also check his bloodwork for any kidney issues that just now be showing up. If his kidneys were bruised or torn in the accident, the damage would just now be showing up. Most animals won't show kidney issues until 75% of the kidney is dysfunctional.

    Have your vet check for diabetes. If his pancreas was damaged in the accident, the part of the pancreas that produces insulin may no longer be functioning and you could be seeing the onset of diabetes.

    Hope this help.

    Cate Burnette, Reg. Veterinary Nurse
