Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Do you need a passport?

We've just been asked on Twitter the question "Do you need a Pet Passport to take your dog from tthe UK to Southern Ireland?"
When I went with Sally many years ago before such things there was no obvious border control for dogs. Has it changed?
We received conflicting answers to our Tweet and people revealed that when they've researched it they've been given conflicting advice, too!
So which is it? Yes or No? Or is it technically yes but no one checks?
Have you ever been asked to show your dog's Pet Passport? Which crossing did you use?
Beverley Cuddy, Editor, Dogs Today


  1. NO! Pets travel pet passport free between Ireland and UK. Have been travelling back and forth for the past 4 years! :) Have 3 ferrets and a dog. Been always taking ferries, either with our own car or on foot. :) They have to be booked for the kennel but that is it. :) Or if with your car, usually can stay in the car. :)
    Our puppy was 3 months the first trip she took to England and her passport wasn't even ready then. And yes, I do have passports for all of them as we travel abroad quite a lot.

    P.S. one of "ferreters" I know is an English man who lives here in Ireland and goes to UK at least 3 times a year with his 2 dogs and a ferret to visit his mother. I doubt he even knows he can get a passport for his pet! :P

  2. Eleanor Garwood18 July 2012 at 15:25

    I used to travel regularly with my dogs back and forth from Southern Ireland to England as I lived in Southern Ireland at the time and I didn't need my passport to travel there as it is part of Great Britain so never even questioned whether my dogs would need one. I was never asked for a passport for my dogs despite being pulled over for a random check and there is no charge or form to say that you have a dog with you. I used Pembroke to Rosslare frequently.

  3. We took two dogs to southern Ireland about 4 years ago and did not need dog passports on a camping club Rally for a week.

  4. My understanding is that yes a pet passport will be required. I wrote an article covering the pet travel rules change at the start of 2012 and although it covers entry into the UK I think the same applies travelling out of the UK.

    To be absolutely sure though you could contact the Pet Travel Scheme helpline:

    Email: – Please enclose your postal address and a day time telephone number.

    Telephone: +44 (0)870 241 1710 – Monday to Friday – 8am to 6pm UK time (closed Bank Holidays).

  5. Actually, doing some further reading I am now leaning towards a pet passport not being required because pets can travel freely between UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Republic of Ireland i.e. the British Isles.

    I think it is best to check for sure before travelling. On this page of the Defra website they give this info at the bottom:

    There are no requirements for pets travelling directly between the UK and either the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. Owners of pets entering the Channel Islands, Isle of Man or the Republic of Ireland from outside the UK should contact the appropriate authorities in those countries for advice on approved routes and any other requirements.

    For Jersey visit the States of Jersey website or e-mail
    For Isle of Man visit the Isle of Man government website
    For the Republic of Ireland visit or e-mail, or ring the Helpline on +353 1 6072827
