Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Food allergy advice

We are trying to find what the most common food allergies are among the dog population, and your solutions.

Do you find your dog suffers from one particular ingredient, or many? What are his ‘symptoms’? How have you coped? Have you simply changed to a different type of food, or have you completely changed his diet?

From, Dogs Today


  1. My dog is allergic to food storage mites. As a result I only buy small packs of dried food and as soon as I open them put them straight into clean, dry plastic containers. She is also allergic to wheat, I avoid any food containing wheat products using a dried and wet food with rice or maize instead. I had her tested for allergies after a long period of constant itching problems.

  2. Inka has a corn (maize) allergy.

    Corn is in practically everything, because it makes a good - cheap - filler.

    Before we switched his food & treats, he would regurgitate frequently, had issues with a stomach ulcer and excess acid, had loose stool, firm stool, and everything in between too! He was always itchy, his coat was greasy, he was frequently sick or drooling in the car.

    The bulk of his treats are now home-made; and he is on a grain-free ration from CSJ and is doing wonderfully, his coat is shiny and clean, he hasn't vomited in the car and barely drools in it, his stool is better, his ulcer has calmed down, and he's just happier in himself.

  3. The sensitivity needs to be discovered and removed easily, so the incessent licking and damaging doesn't go on to cause start injuries that can get contaminated.

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