Friday, 23 March 2012

Reading up on homeopathy


Please could you recommend a simple to use homeopathy book? I'd like one that has, for example, Bruising use Arnica and not indexed the other way round. Someone recommended The Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro but it's not what I'm looking for.

This has come about because one of my dogs had surgery last December and was in a lot of discomfort one night. A friend told me to use pure Aloe Vera gel and Arnica, which really helped her. I was annoyed with myself for not remembering the Arnica as I had passed on your article on the subject to my Mum years ago when before she had a knee replacement and helped her recovery a lot. I also suffer from ME so thought there may be some remedies I could try (hence the need for a simple/easy to read book).

Thank you in advance for your help

Clair Renfrew, by email

Richard Allport, vet, advises...

Clair – I know what you mean about the indexing. So many text books list the homoeopathic medicines and then describe what they are used for, but don’t list symptoms and diseases and then tell you which remedies are indicated.

I’m not quite sure whether you are looking for a book for ‘human’ use and also one for pets, so I’ll suggest both. In my homoeopathic library at home my favourites are:

Introduction to Homoeopathic Medicine by Dr Hamish Boyd

Homoeopathic Prescribing by Dr Noel Pratt

(both about using homoeopathy for humans, both fit your criteria)

Everyday Homoeopathy for Animals by Francis Hunter

(self evidently this is about homoeopathy for animals – but does cover all animals from cattle to dogs, this might be more information than you need)

All these three books were published by Beaconsfield Publishers, but confusingly this company sold the rights to all their homoeopathic titles to a German publishing house, Narayana Publishers. However they are all available via the website:

I have a further suggestion. What about a book, laid out as you like it with lists of illnesses and diseases and the natural medicines to help treat them, focusing on dogs, with information not just about homoeopathy but also herbal medicines, flower remedies, supplements and much more, with advice an how to achieve a natural healthy lifestyle for your dog. This book comes with some lovely pictures of dogs, and is available for only £14.99 plus £1 p&p.

Not only that, but if you call 01707 662058 to order it and ask for the author to sign it for you, he will do so at no extra cost whatsoever. Just call and ask for ‘Heal your Dog the Natural Way’

Oh, and the author is someone called Richard Allport

1 comment:

  1. My two favourtie books are:

    Dogs: Homeopathic Remedies by George Macleod

    Homeopathic Remedies for Dogs
    By Geoffrey Llewellyn

    Regards Jan
