Friday, 30 March 2012

Mange concern

Hello all

My 20-month-old gorgeous Whippet cross has contracted what I believe is sarcoptic mange, according to the description of the symptoms. He has lost most of the fur from his ears and much behind his ears, his ear tips are scabbed. He is not itching the area too much, but the condition looks sore and terrible.

The vet has seen him and prescribed Advocat and antibiotics. He was already dosed with Advocat monthly to protect against fleas and other conditions such as mange. These prescriptions had no impact and the condition is getting much worse. He has just had a further regular monthly treatment with Advocat.

I am now trying homemade remedies including use of apple cider vinegar both orally and in spray, and covering the impacted areas with olive oil or Vaseline which in theory, prevents the mites from breathing. In addition, he is washed using medicated wash, and I'm washing and changing his collars, bedding and blankets to avoid reinfection. Its early days with these remedies but they appear to have no impact so far and his ears still look very painful and dreadful. I have no faith in the vet as the last one gave him two minutes at most, did not skin test for mange (which is not definitive but could have been helpful) and they only seem to prescribe antibiotics whatever the condition - he's had two (in my opinion pointless) lots of antibiotics in six months.

Can anyone advise how to cure this condition and help my poor little man.

Many thanks - any advice appreciated.

 Maria Johnson, by email

Breeony Hunt, vet (BVM&S MRCVS) at Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, advises...

Skin conditions can be really difficult to diagnose and treat. We often start by looking for what is common, and working down a long list!
Sarcoptic mange in dogs nearly always causes severe itching, so if you dog has never had this symptom, it would make the diagnosis less likely.
There is another type of mange that can affect dogs, called demodectic mange. This is diagnosed by your vet doing a skin scrape- scraping off a small area of skin cells with a small blade, and examining them under the microscope.
Some complimentary therapies can help skin conditions, but they should always be used under the direction of your vet. In fact, the frequent bathing you are doing may be washing off the mange treatment, making it less effective.
Skin infections often need prolonged courses of antibiotics to treat the secondary infection, but it is really important that you treat the underlying disease.
As you say your dog is uncomfortable, I urge you to find a vet and get started towards a diagnosis, so you can get him on the most appropriate course of treatment.


  1. We could send you some Bionic Biotic and see if it helps contact us with your details and we will send some out for you to try for free.

  2. Hi Maria, I'm local to you I think - have met you (and photographed Larry I think last summer) I'd go and see Steve Carter at Priory Vets if you're local, he's v good. Penel

  3. There has been great success with using Head and Shoulders for sensative skin (the one with Aloe Vera) I first found out about this shampoo, 2 years ago, when a client of mine said her daughter who worked with the Fox rescue, said they had been using it with great success on foxes with mange. Many clients then began using it, along with myself, on my own dog who had skin issues due to mite allergies. Bathing the dog completely once a week, and wiping the ears, paws and nails daily alternating with diluted apple cider vinegar 1 to 1 with boiled bottled water, and original listerine mouthwash, again 1 to 1 with boiled bottled water. This is a very old almost lost way of removing the mites and also providing the skin with the right PH for the good bacteria and mites to thrive and take over and begin bringing balance back to the skin. The ears should also be cleaned with Quistel ear cleanere, once a day, to kill off any hiding deep in the ears, or with the dogs own cleaning regime, each time it cleans its ears with its back feet, and then clean those feet with it's mouth, and then clean its front feet, it will re-infect itsself with the mites, hence the daily feet cleaning regime. But be warned, unless you are feeding the engine with good proper food, then you won't be providing the fuel the body needs for a fit and healthy immune system. I also developed "The Building blocks Breakfast" so called because it contained the building blocks of a healthy immune system, Fish like sardines in sunflower oil, for all the omega oils, Vitamins and minerals, calcium, Eggs, yogurt, parsley, watercress, and if neccessary, milk thistle, a natural antibiotic. With the additon of local produced honey, again a natural antiseptic,antibiotic and a builder of resistance to pollens and other alergens, it boosts up the immune system naturally, use this once or twice a week, along with a good raw meat and veg diet, and soon dogs and cats are fighting fit and keeping the mange at bay. Sadly, like most of the "mites" they are always present, its just a poor immune system, or stress, that allows the dogs immune system to weaken to the point that it cannot prevent a "blooming" of thes nasty mites. It's up to everyone to ensure they keep their dogs fighting fit, by feeding them well, and then they never get weak enough to allow it to take hold again x There are a few success stories on my facebook page, from others who have tried diet to fight back to fit health, Good luck, Jackie Grimmett

  4. You must get a proper diagnosis before you try anything new. Poor chap. Either insist on a skin scrape or try a different vet. After all this time you need a definite diagnosis.
