Saturday, 19 November 2011

Anyone taken a Rottie to France? How does it work?

Hello! I was wondering whether any Rottie owners could help me with a little question.... I'm wondering if anyone has any experience of taking Rotties to France and if so, did they get a license for it? Rotties are classed as a dangerous breed and resident dogs in France need a license... but we cannot find any definitive info about visiting Rotties... Thanks!!! :-)
Becky Clark, via Dogs Today facebook page


  1. Although the PETS scheme appears wonderful, there does appear to be quite a lot of variance country by country.

    I would contact your vet who passported your Rottie. If they don't know then you should really contact DEFRA who will probably tell you to contact the French Embassy who will be able to tell you the legallity.

    Imagine my surprise when I found that German Shepherds have to be muzzled in Erire at ALL times... This I found quite confusing seeing that is where a large number of illegal pit bull types are originating from into the UK.

    Good luck with your trip to France. We had no trouble travelling with one of our Shepherds to the Netherlands via France.

  2. Hi Becky. I found this website:,12197. Hope it helps. Ilse

  3. I would try this website -

    This is the site for all Breed Specific Legislation in Europe so I am sure they will have the information you are looking for, or can direct you to someone who knows.

  4. Thank you, the French Embassy website it somewhat helpful, but still doesn't actually define "resident dog" or "visiting dog". I think we'll give them a call next week..
    thank you again!
