Monday, 10 October 2011

Small car safety

We've had to downsize from a Ford Galaxy to a Vauxhall Corsa - as I'm sure many people have to these days to save money.
Previously, the dogs (Springer and Sprocker) have travelled in a Lintrans crate. They love it, and so do we. We've decided to keep the crate, and put the seats down in the car when we don't have the kids with us so the dogs are safe.
But, we've been looking at other ideas - looked at a Barjo tailgate - perfect, but too expensive for our meagre budget as it has to be custom made for that size car.
Even though the dogs are well trained, the idea of opening the boot and them being unsecured scares me.
I guess we need a dog guard and some form of harness? But can we get any that work if the back seatbelts are being used?
Any advice gratefully received.
Vic Cutting, by email


  1. Hi

    Going back to Barjo tailgate guards, I have always used these and though expensive, well worth the money.

    However perhaps finding a secondhand one may be a cheaper option. The ObedienceUk wsebsite has a 'for sale' section, and very often have tailgate guards for sale, and also Agility.Net may be another source. I know finding one for a Corsa may be more difficult, but you never know. How about looking on Ebay and Amazon as well. Also with the ObedienceUk site you can put a 'wanted' advert on, so maybe you would be able to buy one this way.

  2. Might be worth looking at a Dog Bag. ( It's a fabric pop up kennel that can be secured to the tie down points in the boot. Keeps the dogs safely inside the bag when the boot is open. Our nervous Pointer loves his Dog Bag.
