Monday, 31 October 2011

Itchy and scratchy

My nine-year-old Border Collie-Sheltie cross started scratching furiously in July, making skin on his chest very red,and chest fur pulled out in clumps. He has never had this problem before. There are no parasites in his coat, which looks very healthy, people comment on his beautiful glossy coat. The only little patch of scurfy skin is just above his tail.

The vet diagnosed contact allergy,and gave him an injection which worked, but he needed another recently as the scratching started again. Apart from a couple of trips to the vets for anal glands emptying, he has never ailed a thing.

I am at a loss as to why this problem should have started. Could it be too strong weed-killer used by councils, or perhaps by treatments possibley used on carpets in dog friendly caravan or cottage we rented on holiday? I have never used chemicals on the floors or carpets in the home.

I feed him James Wellbeloved dry food, with a little moist food added. Have also started using Yumega Plus to see if this helps. I shampood him with Bob Martins Exma Rid shampoo, before that have been using Byotrol Shampoo.

I am absolutely baffled.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Robinson, by email


  1. I once had a dog that became allergic to rice in complete foods. I was also feeding Wellbeloved at the time, though did try other makes afterwards, all with the same results. Skin and tummy problems were the side effects of the rice content. Try cutting out rice and any other grain, and see if this helps.

    It could be a seasonal thing with grasses. However if nothing works then it may be worth getting skin tests done fo find out what is causing these problems.

  2. Burns Pet Nutrition has several foods which may be helpful. We also can provide expert advice on health and nutrition; you are less likely to be successful trying to do different things on your own.
    Best wishes
    John Burns BVMS MRCVS

  3. I have a friend who's dog is allergic the dust mites. He developed terrible red itchy skin particularly under his armpits(!). The vet recommended changing from dry food to wet food as dry food has dust mites on it. This has cured the problem and also resulted in firmer poos!
