Monday, 17 October 2011

I'm starting to scratch just thinking about this...

Can dogs get nits? Can they catch them off kids and vice versa? I know dogs can get lice - but are the same type of lice? And if Frontline and Advantage works on dogs can we use it on the children - if we've run out of their stuff and the chemist is closed? Are the chemicals in lice remover to kids similar to the doggie products?
If so why can't we use something on the kids as a preventive to stop them getting infected?
Chris Knight, by email


  1. I wouldn't risk using canine products on children. I believe liquid parafin can be used on kids hair in an emergency. I've never heard of a dog catching nits from children, but I'm not qualified to say yes or no to that.

  2. I would not use frontline or spot on on my dogs its so toxic. Poison your dog to kill fleas and ticks! there are more safe methods. Use cider vinegar on the coat.

  3. Human lice only live on humans and chimpanzees, although there may be other species that live on other mammals. Nits is just a word for the eggs of the louse, but they can't move between dogs and children.

    I do use a preventative on kids and dogs, I carefully check the hair/fur on a regular basis and take action when I find something. I try not to use the spot ons on the dogs, but every now and then I have to, to avoid infestation of the house. I always prefer manual checking to just dosing up with chemicals but will make use of everything.

    Please don't use anything prescribed or designed for dogs on your children! Or the other way round without speaking to someone qualified. I've seen some people recommend all sort of human medicine on their dog and 'never had a problem' but you can never be sure.

    You can buy human medicines for dogs if prescribed by a vet under the cascade system, but any pharmacist will be breaking the law if they sell you a human product knowing it's going to be used on a dog.
