Monday, 11 July 2011

Be prepared

Hello, I was just wondering if anyone knows what to do if your dog is bitten by an adder and you are, say one hour, away from a vets?

Can you carry anything on you to give to them, for example, or is it just a case of getting them to the vets asap?

Rachel, by email


  1. On the last first aid course I did, back in May, we covered adder bites which are a big problem in my area because of the sandy soil. We were told that you are normally fine to get to a vets, even an hour away, unless your dog is allergic to the adder bite and goes into anaphalactic shock.

    As far as I am aware, just get them to the vets as soon as you can!

  2. We were advised that a Piriton anti-histamine tablet can help as First Aid on the way to the vets.
