Friday, 25 February 2011

Should I re-dose?

I dosed a four-month-old puppy (who is likely to have worms) with the correct amount of Drontal for its weight (3kg). I mixed the crushed tablet into a small amount of dog meat for easy application. A couple of hours later said puppy had his lunch-time feed of kibble. A further two hours later we embarked on a bumpy car journey resulting in sickness. The vomit looked like partially digested kibble but I am unsure what to do about the worming. As the puppy is likely to have worms, ideally if I need to re-dose I don't want to wait too long. But at the same time I don't want to overdose him, if he did have time to absorb part or all of the Drontal I gave him.

Does anyone have any advice as to what I should do?

Claire (aka scoutelicious on Blogger)


  1. you can re dose but why not use a liquid wormer? Drontal, Panacur etc - they all make them.You don't say what breed your dog is or why, at 4 months you are so concerned about worms? A good puppy worming regime should have had this under control by now. Worms can do a lot of damage so better to be safe and banish them now!

  2. the tablet wormer went down just fine, i am only concerned about whether it is safe to re-dose the puppy less than 2 weeks after the initial dose as i dont know if the original dose had time to be adsorbed or not

  3. I would ask a professional rather than take advice from 'anonymous' who says "you can re dose". Overdosing can do more harm than the worms.

  4. thank you, I agree and did not re-dose until the 2 week period which drontal reccomends, was over. pup is now wormed and well :)
