Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Recovering from a cruciate injury

My very active seven-year-old Jack Russell has been diagnosed with a cruciate ligament injury. The vet seemed pretty sure that's what it was, but was unable to affect the classic 'drawer movement' in Trevor's knee because he has such strong hamstring muscles. My vet was very thorough and offered immediate x-rays and surgery, but I was reluctant to put Trev through it on account of the fact that he's quite vet phobic and very sensitive. (My other two dogs aren't - I think it's in his genes.) Anyway, Trevor is still walking and running on the affected leg and would be willing to do stairs/jumping into car etc if I'd allow him, but I don't. His problem only becomes apparent when he's been asleep/resting for a while and then stands up. He hobbles initially, but only has to walk round the room a couple of times or go in the garden for a wee and he is walking normally again. I have given him Yumove joint support tablets which I hope are helping. This has been going on for about nine weeks now. I would like to avoid surgery if possible but want to do the best for my boy. Has anyone else's dog recovered from a cruciate injury without surgery? How long will it take? Is there anything else I can do for him? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Rachael Marlow, by email


  1. I don't claim to be an orthopaedics specialist so these are more general comments. Perhaps there is ligament damage but not a complete tear. If it was torn properly he would probably be in much greater discomfort. It will probably take several months to heal properly and what you are doing already as regards exercise sounds about right. Jack Russells seem to develop a habit of carrying a hindleg from time to time then forgetting and putting it down normally. You may find that he will continue to do that long-term.
    John Burns BVMS MRCVS
    Burns Pet Nutrition

  2. Thank you very much for your comments Mr Burns, your time is much appreciated. Trevor is definitely making progress, if slowly. I wish he'd do everything else a bit more 'slowly' he charges about as if there's nothing wrong at all! Thanks again, Rachael.

  3. I have a nine month old dog who has a torn crutiate ligament. It is almost impossible to keep her quiet, as she is naturally very excitable. I really don't want to put her through surgery as it is crucial they are kept very quietafterwards. I am giving her Glucosamine, R&A cod liver oil, and she is on an anti-imflammitary from the vets, but it is going to be a long process. Maybe I should try Yummove does anyone know if it is any good? I wish you luck with Trevor.

  4. I have given him Yumove joint support tablets which I hope are helping. This has been going on for about nine weeks now.
