Thursday, 13 January 2011

Brain training

I recently had an animal communicator speak to my dogs and one of them, when asked if there was anything that he was lacking, answered that he would like magnesium as he was worried about his brain health. I have been searching online and looking through books but so far can find very little information or any magnesium supplements for brain health. Can anyone help?
Eleanor Garwood, by email

Richard Allport, alternative vet, advises:
Magnesium is needed to help build the myelin sheaths that protect nerve fibres, so a magnesium supplement could help to keep the brain functioning better. I guess your dog really does know what he needs! There are many other natural supplements that can help brain function, especially in older dogs, such as Co enzyme Q 10, Vitamin E, L carnitine and so on. One commercial supplement (Aktivait) contains many of these ingredients and I find it really helpful for older dogs whose brains are not quite as sharp as they were.

1 comment:

  1. Sensible dog!
    You need to do an internet search for "food for brain health" or something similar. I got some info up straight away.
    It says magnesium is found in whole grains, nuts, seeds, leafy green veg, oil.
    Try searching also for BARF - that raw diet will give him enough magnesium to keep his brains in fine shape.
    Oh, one more thing - I don't think he'd manage the crossword, but he might like to play a few doggy games to get him thinking, like searching for a hidden toy, or learning something new.
