Wednesday, 24 November 2010

What would be Tetley's cup of tea?

Tetley, our beloved six-year-old German Shepherd cross is soon to arrive from the USA. There was lots of bureaucracy so I have got here before him! So, despite having records since birth and regular everything, we still had to act like she had never had a single shot in her life and she actually had to have two rabies shots within a month of each other as things must be done in a certain order or it's no dice.
In the States he was fed on Nutro after having some skin issues but you don't seem to have it here. What would be the nearest food to it?
She could do with losing a few pounds, but she should soon do that as there's some lovely walks around here.
Owen Jones, Chalfont St Giles


  1. Hi,this is Edna with The Nutro Company. Our website has a link to our international distributors outside of United States and Canada, under the heading "Where To Buy". You may also call our Consumer Care 800.833.5330, Mon-Fri CST

  2. The Burns Pet Nutrition adult foods should meet your needs. They are useful in managing dogs which are prone to skin conditions and they are also low in fat and protein which should help with the weight problem. we also have a Nutrition team (Freephone 0800 083 66 96)which can advise on the best one for Tetley and how to get the best results when you are actually using it.
    John Burns BVMS MRCVS
    Burns Pet Nutrition

  3. hope it all goes well for you. We have become huge fans of Markus Muehle food. One of our dogs had huge sensitivity and IBS problems and this has been a lifesaver.It also does not swell in the stomach.
