Friday, 24 September 2010

What do you want for Christmas?

I know it sounds a bit early, but it isn't really. 
Now is the time for our loved ones to be researching and finding that killer present that really shows they care and are totally in tune with our tastes! (No pressure, obviously!)
So come on, share! 
What's the best thing you've seen, what's the top of your really must have list - obviously with a doggie theme, although I would still be fascinated to hear which outfits from Figleaf you've got your eye on!
As a woman who has seen almost every conceivable doggie-related gift, here's the latest gift idea across my desk that had me saying, "Well I've never seen anything like that before!"

These are incredibly realistic miniatures made out of your own dog's hair! The website is fascinating. Lucy Maloney has a rare talent.
Now I am relying on you guys to top this with something even more fantastic and tell me all about it. Please share your unbeatable Xmas pressie ideas and we'll put the best in December's magazine.
Do you know someone that makes something really special? Or maybe you do yourself? Come on let's share our little black book secrets with each other!
Beverley Cuddy, Editor

1 comment:

  1. We added these lovely personalised ceramic pet bowls to D for Dog last month and they are selling like hot cakes :-)

    I think they would make a super Xmas gift.

    I am also totally in love with our new range of colourful dog collars and my own dogs will be getting one of these each.
