Friday, 3 September 2010

Chips in France? No, not frites...

Hi Beverley
Is there such a thing as a national microchip registry or is it just kept by the companies that supply microchips - ie. Petrac and Petlog? The reason I ask is that as our dogs are in France a few weeks of the year I have registered them on the French database but I need to know if its possible for a French resident who's dogs were chipped in France and will be spending time in the UK to register with a UK database? Any ideas?
Many thanks
Annette Pemberton, by email


  1. We have had several dogs with foreign chips that are now registered to us.

    I think if you contact your microchip company, they will register all your appopriate addresses on their database.

    I think most chip companies only keep their own microchips on their database, but the company you use may be international and have UK bases?

    That probabaly doesn't help much, sorry.
    Boxer Welfare Scotland

  2. Try they have a global pet microchip database/search engine

  3. You can register foreign microchips with Petrac - downloadable form found at; - £12 fee. Hopefully this info will be helpful to others.
