Friday, 6 August 2010

An alternative for phantoms

Does anyone have any suggestions for a homeopathic remedy for phantom pregnancies? Our Lexie was convinced she was having puppies after her season last year and as she has just been in season again we are not looking forward to a repeat of her going off her food and nesting.
Ann Andrews

Nick Thompson, holistic vet, says:
Poor old Lexie. But please remember this process, a bit like puberty or birth, although less than comfortable at times and thoroughly inconvenient, is a natural process and does not necessarily need treatment. I only treat these bitches if they are actually in distress – and this is different from bitches being fine with their nests and their dollies, but their owners worrying because they’re eating less. If their weight is fine and they are well in themselves, leave them to it, I say. Most dogs can benefit from losing a bit of weight, so actually false pregnancies can help in this regard.
If, however, they are getting into a bit of a tizz or they are at risk of mastitis due to excessive milk production or are really miserable, then something must be done. There are five main remedies that we use in this situation. Usually we’ll use a 30c potency three times a day for three days, then repeat if more effect is required. Remedies are selected according to the behaviour of the patient:
Chamomilla – from Chamomile – for the over excitable and hypersensitive bitch – where there is bad temper and irritability. ‘Demanding for things, but then refuses them when offered’ is a common cry of the owner with a Cham bitch. Teats may be swollen and tender to touch.
Helonias dioca – Unicorn Root – mainly a remedy for weakness and pain in the lumbar region of the back, but it can also be useful where mammary glands are very swollen as the main symptom, along with tenderness of the lower back.
Lac caninum – yes, bitches milk made into a homeopathic remedy (sounds like something from Shakespeare, doesn’t it!) - used in false pregnancy (and after weaning) where we’re trying to halt milk production. Bitches needing the remedy are often very unconfident, but who ‘act’ very confident and aggressive with other dogs. They are better for petting.
Pulsatilla – the Wind Flower – the archetypal remedy we use for false pregnancy. Bitches needing Pulsatilla are changeable in their moods and their symptoms, they are very clingy and are better for touch. They prefer fresh air (drafts under doors or sitting outside), but don’t like to be chilly. Generally sweet, but they can be unpredictable!
Sepia – from the ink of the Cuttlefish – for the weak, exhausted bitch who just doesn’t want to know. She’s tired of everything, but, remarkably, will brighten up if taken for a lively run. They are congested and bloated generally and tender to touch around the vulval area. Useful for maiden bitches with pups when they have no maternal instinct, too.


  1. Christine Bailey10 August 2010 at 07:04

    There are two things I found really useful for phantoms. One is Raspberry Leaf - I used the tablets from Dorwest. Start as soon as your bitch comes into season and continue for three months. This will usually prevent a phantom.

    Before I discovered this herbal remedy, my bitch Tasha did have a couple of phantoms - very sad to see - and I found the homoeopathic remedy Sepia good for her. This is for the more independent type of female - more clingy types might do better with Pulsatilla. Definitely worth a try!

  2. Unless you are planning to breed from her (not a brilliant idea for her offspring when she in not in good health) it might have been better to have had her spayed between seasons. Perhaps this time.
    As with most health problems you should look at promoting better general health. A holistic-style diet fed sparingly can be beneficial.
    John Burns BVMS MRCVS
    Burns Pet Nutrition.
