Saturday, 31 July 2010

Can you help training Diva?

Hiya Beverley
I'm practising leash/heel training indoors whilst using my crutches, but I have to use a powerchair outside. I'm worried in case Diva (my Bichon pup) goes under the wheels because the chair is very heavy and, because it's electric, it doesn't stop immediately. Diva had her second jab nearly two weeks ago and can go out properly from next Tuesday. She's fine sitting on my lap in the chair so I'll be able to take her to the park and use the extended leash once we're there and I'm not moving, but I'd like to train her to walk alongside the chair.
I'd also like her to go to training school, and the vet gave me the telephone number of a local trainer but she never answers the phone (I've been trying for two weeks!). Training will have to be in Newham, East London, because I get fatigue as part of my illness and can't travel too far.

I'm hoping Diva has the right temperament to eventually be trained by Dog A.I.D or similar to be an assistance dog for me.
Hope you can help, many thanks for this :-)

Just thought I'd give you an update on Diva. We practised walking on the leash from the wheelchair on the drive on Sunday and Monday, and she naturally walked on my left and slightly behind - the perfect position; clicks and treats galore! I took her to the park today and she walked all the way there and all around the lake - she cadged a lift on the way back though ;-)
Many thanks for your help, and the help of the others on your site. I've left several messages for Dog A.I.D and I'm still waiting for them to get back to me. I don't think the Springer attachment will be suitable - there are no poles on my chair to attach it. I shall persevere with training Diva at home whilst looking for a trainer, I've had dogs before so I know the basics. She can already Come, Sit, Fetch, High Five, Cwtch (get in the crate) and is housetrained and looks at me when I say her name, and she can now socialise with other dogs at the park. Not bad for 12 weeks! I've ordered the book you mentioned and I'm sure that will be very helpful.
Kind regards

I know we have some readers (and one contributor) who are pretty nifty with their wheelchairs and dogs and may have some wise words of encouragement for Shani. 
Anyone able to advise of a good puppy training class that does answer the phone? Diva is on Twitter by the way @DivaBowwow
PS I had a feeling I'd seen a book recently that may help. Tracked it down now: Waggy tails and Wheelchairs by Alexandra Epp - to order call 01305 260068 or go to
It gives advice on dog ownership to wheelchair and scooter users and 50p from each book sold will go to Dogs for the Disabled.



  1. I have worked with a few clients who are wheelchair users. I have often used the cycle attachment with dogs to keep them further from the chair whilst training. This is an "S" shaped solid pipe(best description I can think of!) and the lead goes out of the end.
    Ask your vet to recommend someone if you are having trouble finding a local trainer.

  2. The attachment Debbie is talking about is a Springer - I use one for my GSDs with a bike. One place you can get them from is

  3. Hi

    Have you contacted dog aid ? They train dogs at various levels, working toward assistance dog work; once they have trained basic obedience. If they cannot help you then I they may be able to provide you with contact details for one of their local trainers (who work as volunteers for the charity) and you could hire them directly to work with you. They use progressive methods and have the relevant experience. Best of luck.

