Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Sensitive subject!

I have an extremely fussy dog with a very delicate digestive system, is there an alternative out there to expensive veterinary diets?
My vet only sells one brand and the answer to almost every question seems to be to switch to that one! I've looked at the ingredients and I have to say there doesn't appear to be anything significantly different!
What else can I try?
Gayle Peters, London

Also posted on our feeding blog

This is such a common question for us at Arden Grange! We are sorry to hear that your dog requires a veterinary prescription diet. These specialist diets are formulated to help manage nutritionally responsive disease. Whether a regular commercial complete food would be a suitable alternative depends largely on the diagnosis. In some cases regular food (even very highly digestible brands such as Arden Grange) may not be appropriate. For example, dogs with renal dysfunction require a food which is low in phosphorous; dogs with liver disease may require a restricted fat and low copper diet. Regular dog food is designed for canines with a "normal" requirement for these nutrients, and all of the others which are necessary to support their health and wellbeing.
However, for some dogs, Arden Grange can offer a nutritious and economical diet which may be suitable in place of a prescription food. A prime example is in cases of skin disease and digestive problems caused or exacerbated by food allergies and intolerances; particularly reactions to the more common dietary allergens which are wheat, beef, soya and dairy products. We have also supplied food to many dogs with inflammatory bowel disease, epilepsy, behavioural issues and many other problems. In such cases we always assess each dog individually. It is vital to keep in contact with your vet and discuss whether he or she feels Arden Grange could be viable, and we will then pass on full details of our suggested diet's ingredients and nutritional analysis so that your vet can make the final decision.
When your dog suffers from digestive problems, you should always follow the advice of your vet. There are numerous possible causes and the nutritional management and treatment will vary. Most dogs with diarrhoea do tend to benefit from a low fat diet as this helps to prevent further residue from accumulating in the large bowel, but a dog with pancreatic problems would require long term fat restriction, whilst a dog with a bacterial infection can usually be weaning back to a normal food following recovery. The Arden Grange Sensitive Ocean White Fish and Potato is designed especially for dogs with sensitive skins and stomachs and can often be used in place of more expensive prescription hypoallergenic diets, but again, its suitability for your own dog really does depend on his medical status. If you are able to get back to us with more details about his condition as well as his age, breed and activity level we will be able to assess him properly and give some more in depth advice. There is a questionnaire on our website where you can enter this information:-
Dogs with digestive problems are often fussy through no fault of their own. Our canine friends have inherited an innate ability from their wild dog ancestors that can mean certain foods are refused if they are likely to make a problem worse. Also, imagine how you feel if you have stomach ache, indigestion or feel sick - a large meal is the last thing you'd want. If your dog is recovering from recent tummy upset, small frequent meals of home cooked chicken/white fish and rice/potato is bland and usually well accepted and well digested. Once his problems have been diagnosed and treated accordingly, his longer term dietary management can be planned and a gradual change back to a regular diet undertaken in many instances. Arden Grange is often ideal due to its super-premium quality, high digestibility and lack of artificial additives.
For truly fussy dogs, we do have a fact sheet available on request which contains all manner of hints and tips to get your dog back into the habit of clearing his bowl.
We hope that your dog is making a good recovery!
Ness Bird RVN, Nutrition Adviser, www.ardengrange.com


  1. Sensitive tummy, or sensitive about eating? (the latter's often behavioural).

    For the former, we swear by the BARF diet, it's what dogs were built for, so sensitivity should be minimised.

    There's lots of specific advice on the 'net - just put BARF into any search engine.

  2. Chappie is known to be very good for this sort of problem, even vets recommend it. Try using wet meat (tinned) with suitable mixer biscuit. Perhaps a small breakfast and main meal.

  3. Have a look on Zooplus. They have a dry food from a manufacturer called Bosch. I fed this for Years and sold it over here. Try the new organic range. No animal testing and nothing in there what shouldn't be. One of my dogs been raised on Bosch and it was the only food I could feed all my dogs without upsetting their digestion. Even changing between the different products was no problem.

  4. Hi Gayle, Chappie and any raw diet are both good. A really low cost way of feeding is raw chicken wings and a few blended veg once a week or a carrot to munch on of an evening as a snack. Raw chicken wings whole are the best and most natural for a dog to digest. The bones are raw so fine to feed, there is a very minor risk of choking and on a similar level to choking on toys- there is a chance but unlikely. Bacteria such as salmonela is possible but dogs tummys are designed for these so shouldn't have an effect- just be VERY careful yourself as us humans cant handle food poisoning. If that sounds too scary try chappie- most pet shops sell it.

  5. Yes there any alternatives! My dog suffers from pancreatitis & was put on a prescription diet 2 years ago. I was told she would remainon his food for life. I then discovered Wainwrights. Not only is it totally natural & cheaper it is also lower in fat thanthe prescription food! The vet knows I have swapped over & had to agree was probably even better than the presciption food.

  6. One of the most important causes of digestive upset is overfeeding and I suspect that you may be doing that as your dog is very fussy - a sure sign of getting too much food.
    A feeding trial is the only reliable way of finding if a particular food suits your dog; comparing ingredient lists is not enough. The feeding trial needs to be done with professional advice from the supplier of the food your are trialling. That is why pet food manufacturers have nutrition advisors.
    Your vet may be knowledgeable about the food he/she supplies but not about other products. Likewise - the nutrition advisors of pet food companies.
    At Burns Pet Nutrition we specifically recommend our products as replacements for most veterinary diets but of course this should be done under our supervision.
    John Burns, Burns Pet Nutrition

  7. I recommend that you read Kymythy Schultze's book "Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats". It may help to allay any fears you have about appropriate nutrition.

  8. I have had 3 Westies and all have thrived on James Wellbeloved Lamb and Rice Kibble. Westies are renowned for their skin complaints and tummy upsets; non of mine have had any problems once they were on the above food. I would say it was 'middle of the range' price wise. They have a website, if you want to have a look, and it also tells you who your local supplier is. My vet sells it too, which is always a good testimonial.

  9. I agree with a comment earlier that some overfeeding can be the cause of trouble.
    Why not try a new food called Markus Muehle, they will send out samples for you to try before you buy. Details on their web site www.markusmuehle.de

  10. Our dog was the same and we tried anything and everything until eventually I decided to cook his food myself which really made a huge difference. If you want to know recipes etc email me -
