Tuesday, 29 June 2010

How to reduce stress and boost immunity

My two dogs are going into boarding kennels for the first time in a couple of weeks. Is there anything I can do to make it less traumatic for them? I've heard of a collar they can wear that gives off reassuring aromas but can't remember what it is called!
I've also heard that while the dogs have been vaccinated against kennel cough there are other strains that they won't be protected against. Is there any supplement I can give the dogs to just generally boost their immunity at what must be a very stressful time. Anything homoeopathic I can give them to get them through this and make me feel a but less guilty about not taking them on holiday with me!
Glenda Kennedy, Inverness


  1. The collar is called a DAP collar (Dog Appeasing Pheremone)

    Hopefully you will have checked the kennels out to make sure they are reputable, responsible kennels that exercise the dogs properly & that there is always someone on site.

    If your dogs are kennelled together it should help, as long as they get on really well.

    There are lots of natural herbal remedies available that you can search for on the net.
    Natural Remedies seems to help prevent KC.

    Don't feel guilty at leaving them, they will be having a holiday too.

  2. When new dogs are boarding with me I ask the owners to sleep in an old t-shirt the night before and bring it for the dogs to sleep with.

  3. Try a couple of Canine Bowen Technique sessions spaced 5-10 days apart in the month before and then again after your dogs go into kennels. Canine Bowen Technique is a gentle, non-invasive yet effective method of supporting and boosting the natural healing capabilites of the body. It can help to relax the body and boost immunity through re-balancing. So it is an excellent therapy to use with dogs in all types of traumatic situations, for example kennel-stress, and can also help dogs to cope with fears and phobias of things like fireworks and thunderstorms etc.

    Sally Askew
    European Guild of Canine Bowen Therapists

  4. With Kennels, find one where you like the staff and feel that the environment is suitable for your dog, some dogs benefit from busy kennels as there is a lot going on for them to watch and keep themselves mentally busy. Put your dog in for a day, then an overnight stay, prior to just leaving it for a long stay. That way they know you are going to come back.
