Friday, 23 April 2010

Has anyone invented solar powered air con yet?

Is there anything out there to keep my car cool while we are stopped? This does not mean I want to leave them in the car routinely, but there are unexpected situations when you need to - for example if you're stuck in a traffic jam on a hot day or even just a way of keeping the car cool so when we get back at the end of a walk it's not boiling hot. Maybe an air condition unit which is solar powered? Does such a thing exist? What do the police vans use as there must be times when their dogs have to remain in the vans?
Beate Rothon


  1. My dog walking van has a solar powered fan in it, and I'm about to get another one. The current one pulls the hot air out, but I've been recommended to have two as it will work more efficiently.

    I did notice a difference as soon as I had the one fitted, it still gets warm, but it is better. It is not powerful enough to leave the dogs in the van with doors shut, but it helps keep it more comfortable to put the dogs back in after a walk.

  2. yep, these fans do keep the car more comfortable and we always leave our sunroof wide open too. [got a dog and don't have a sunroof - get one fitted :-)]
