Monday, 1 February 2010

Are two legged dogs becoming more common?

Over the weekend I stumbled upon a link for wheels for dogs with front leg disabilities. I had thought there wasn't such a thing and that often a front leg amputation could mean a death sentence.
But now I've found the link I feel I should pass it on.
There's also pioneering surgery to consider - Noel Fitzpatrick has done a few limb salvages for large dogs that would otherwise have had to be PTS. Amazing to see a dog running about with a false leg, really does take you a while to spot it!
My instant thought on browsing the cart site was 'why are so many Chihuahuas being born without any front legs?' They look happy enough in their carts, but what on earth is going on? Do other people have these pups and just put them to sleep?

Has anyone else had a litter containing pups with missing limbs? As many as three in a litter would certainly have me checking out radiation levels and exposure to weird drugs.
Could very close inbreeding cause limb malformation?
Anyone ever come across this before or got any theories?
Beverley Cuddy, Editor

1 comment:

  1. No theories, no idea why this would happen, but I'm interested to hear what others have to say.

    I wonder if their quality of life is good enough. Presumably 2 legged dogs (like the famous Faith who learned to walk on her back legs)
    must suffer from back problems & hip problems. Not so bad for small, light breeds like the Chi I suppose.
