Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Other fish to fry

Can a dog have too much fish? My Lab cross loves white fish cooked with rice or pasta and has it every night for tea. She is a faddy eater at the best of times and doesn't like her food all at the same time. She has a complete meal with either chicken or beef at lunch, and although she eats the meat, she sometimes leaves the meal. She seems healthy enough but I am worried that fish every day could do some harm (too much of a good thing).
Joan Hardaker, by email

I've cross posted this question on our new food blog  - click here


  1. As long as she's getting some variety then fish every day shouldn't be a problem. It would actually be good for her, fish oil is very good for the coat.

    If she's eating the meat happily then have you thought about switching her over to a completely raw diet? It's not as expensive or as time consuming as a lot of people seem to think it is!

  2. Christine Bailey9 December 2009 at 08:11

    Vets often suggest white fish and rice short-term for a bad tum, or eg after surgery, but I wouldn't think just this would constitute a balanced diet long-term - it's probably short of calcium at the least. But if she's so keen on fish why not try her on a feed that is just fish and rice - but with added ingredients to make it a complete meal? Naturediet do a fish recipe, so do Wainwrights - Pets at Home own brand - the can, not the flat pack which, I found out to my annoyance, also contains chicken! She might also like a fish-based dry feed - there are several around - Orijen is very good, Burns do one which I think contains rice, and there are several 'salmon and rice" or "salmon and potato" varieties on the shop shelves.

  3. I think you would have to feed "oily" fish for your dog to receive beneficial oils (as in humans)?
