Friday, 16 October 2009

Flea free naturally

I have three Poodles - a Standard, Miniature and Toy. I treat them with Frontline spray, but it doesn't work for my black Toy Poodle, Abby. As a result I bought a cheaper version from the pet shop yesterday, put it on her and for more than 12 hours she was really demented, running around as if she was trying to get away from something and very distressed. I put it down to the chemicals in the spot-on which I used this time.
It was so upsetting to see her like this and I do not like putting chemicals into her body and wondered if there was an alternative. I have tried cider vinegar in the past. I would try to comb the fleas out but with her black curly coated body this makes it impossible. Also I have well-sprayed my house but these fleas seem to be resistant to anything.
Can anyone suggest a solution as I am at my wit's end.
Judith Stephens, by email


  1. Christine Bailey16 October 2009 at 06:28

    There are alternative products out there, but tbh if the dogs already have a problem I don't think much will work apart from chemical insecticides. It's probably worth having a word with your vet about a product with a different active ingredient.

    Once you've got it sorted though - and you will need to treat the house too - as she is a poodle and presumably regularly bathed when she is clipped, I would suggest you invest in DynaMite shampoo and rinse (available from DogHealth amongst others) and use this each time. It's very gentle, the active ingredients are essential oils, but pretty effective. You can even use it yourself to keep the midges away!

  2. My dog is allergic to flea bites so I have to be very vigilant but I've managed with natural products (as he suffers from epilepsy and it got much worse when I used spot-on treatments in the past). I use a spray made only from plant oils called "FleaKO" which I order on-line from a company called Gardening Naturally - The spray is designed for use around the house but my homoeopathic vet has assured me its safe to use directly on animals too so I spray the house and my dog with it. I use it on a weekly basis on my dog and every few weeks around the house during the summer. I also add raw garlic and brewers yeast to his diet and he wears a CatanDog flea disc: The disc on its own stops him picking up fleas from the environment but not from a flea-infested house, hence I use the spray as well. Best of luck with your poodle.

  3. Strange isn't it how many people swear by garlic, yet it is poisonous to dogs in large quantities.

  4. Christine Bailey19 October 2009 at 06:14

    So are Arsenic and Belladonna, but they are effective homoeopathic remedies lol! A lot depends on the dose.....

  5. I use Billy No Mates from CSJ Herbs, you add it daily to their food once a day and once it gets into the dogs system, it keeps fleas and ticks at bay. I use it for all 3 of my collies and have not had one flea since using it. It comes in tincture form and herb form but the tincture form is more palatable to most dogs.

  6. Thank you for all your comments, they have been so helpful. The Dynamite shampoo and rinse has just arrived and I am going to order the Billy No Mates tincture. Whilst waiting I have been to the vets with no success, I can put no more chemicals into her body. So I have resprayed the house from top to bottom, bathed her in eucalyptus shampoo and rinsed her in half cider vinegar to half of warm water. This has helped a little.None of my dogs will eat garlic and she is allergic to metals so cant have the discs. I am now hoping to completely get rid of these creatures and thank you all again for your advice.

  7. There is an Electronic Dog Flea Controller that you might be interested in. D for Dog sell it for £12.99. Here is the blurb:

    Electronic tick and flea repeller for cats and dogs. The Flea Controller is a small weatherproof device which emits harmless ultrasonic pulses intolerable to ticks and fleas, repelling them from your pet and its close surroundings (basket/bed). The sounds emitted are perfectly safe for humans and pets. The unit can remove existing fleas and ticks as well as preventing further infestation. Parasites cannot build a resistance to its ultrasonic sounds. Noticeable results within two weeks of continued use. No chemicals or toxins. Conveniently attaches to your pets collar. Range 15 square meters.

    - Safe for puppies, kittens, pregnant or older pets
    - Lasts up to one whole year
    - Non Toxic
    - Efficient
    - Convenient
    - No chemicals or odours

  8. I have been using a 100% natural product called 'Ruggle-It'. Its a shampoo and an Oil that you apply to the skin.
    I have found it really effective on my Parsons Terrier, so much so I have stopped using the conventional flea treatments.
    Through the summer I did not get one tick on her which was great as there are a lot of deer in the fields where I walk and I was always concerned about Lymes disease.
    There is also some interesting info about feeds etc. on the website

  9. we live in a high tick area, and have recently started using a Pet Protector disc on our dogs collar. Hoping for good results, as I don't like to put insecticides on her skin. Got it from
