Friday, 23 October 2009

Does road-kill kill?

When I go dog walking I sometimes see dead wild animals on the road - squirrels, rabbits, foxes and even once very sadly a badger. Someone once told me that you should move them off the road as their relatives may get run over when they go to investigate why their loved one isn't moving. Is this an old wives tale? I'm not sure I could bring myself to move a dead animal.Can you call the council or anyone else to move these bodies? Where do you move them to? Surely they can't go in the general refuse?

A dead animal should be moved - but only if it is safe for you to do so. Move it well on to the verge or better still deep in to the hedgerow where it can provide food for other animals. (Buzzards and corvids, for example, rely on roadkill as a major source of food.) However, please wear gloves and in any case you should double-check that the animal is dead before attempting to move it. Be sure to look for any signs of life. Otherwise you could be putting yourself in danger. Any wounded animal, especially a badger and fox, will try to defend itself, even if it is very seriously injured and weak.
Simon Cowell MBE, Wildlife Aid

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