Sunday, 9 August 2009

It's back again

My six year old JRT x Yorkie Bitch had fractured ribs back in February. About a month or two after a big lump appeared towards the top of her spine and we went back to the vets once again to check it out. The vet suspected it to be a possible hematoma from the recent trauma of her fractured ribs but advised us to keep a close eye on it. Three weeks after, the lump did reduce in size and about a month after that it disappeared. However the past month it seems to be back again although it is much smaller in size then before. I'm just wondering whether these are likely to be recurring things now? Or whether her ribs haven't completely mended still and any trauma or impact to her ribs has caused the hematoma to surface again. She's currently in agility training, could this maybe be effecting her ribs still after all these months?

L. Nichol

Alison Logan, vet, advises:
I think you should take your dog back to your vet because this is one of those occasions where my hands are itching to have a feel and a real examination of your dog! It does seem strange to have recurred after all this time, so repeat radiography may be in order to see exactly what is going on. This is particularly important given that you take her to agility training. I often say to owners that negative results are actually better than positive if it means that there is nothing of concern – far better to resume agility training with a clear mind than to continue without knowing if she is coming amiss through taking part.

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