Monday, 20 April 2009

This question is driving David up the wall

Why do some dogs after a walk rub the side of the faces on a wall etc? I've asked loads of people already but no one can give me a good answer!
Kindest regards
David Klein, Spain aka David the Dogman

Amy Hatcher, Canine Behaviourist and Dog Obedience Trainer, says...
This is a tricky one to answer as there could be many different reasons. My Border Collie bitch, Star, does this a lot after she has had a swim in the sea as she doesn't like the salty water in her eyes and mouth. She will also do this in order to mark her territory. Dogs don't have any scent glands there but it's a natural behaviour, similar to when male dogs mark the nearest bush or fence as soon as another dog passes by. There are so many reasons though. It could well be related to a happy roll - something lots of dogs do just because they are having a good time.


  1. A trainer I know suggests dogs have scent glands on their cheeks and that's what they are rubbing. My dog used to rub his face on the floor after a walk - he wore a headcollar.

  2. Dogs can do this for a variety of reasons, itchy face (especially as Mina said after wearing a headcollar), just plain old self grooming or even stress or habitual behaviour.

  3. I would also wonder about their faces being itchy if you are walking through grass - maybe a mild allergic reaction?
