Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Help me light up my life!

I have taken the plunge and am about to start a radical diet plan. I'm signing up to LighterLife so potentially for the next three months I will only be eating their very low cal sachets of soup, shakes and bars. I hope to lose a stone a month but would really like to tone as I go and ideally involve my dog in any exercise regime as time is an issue and I don't want to lock myself away in a gym. Is there a fitness programme we both can follow? Are there any dog charities I can raise money for while I slim? Might give me an incentive to stick to the plan.
My dog is a medium sized one and to be honest neither of us have been getting that much exercise recently so I guess we both need to build up to it!
Name and Address supplied

Anyone else about to start a different type of weight loss regime? Maybe we could follow a few dog owners and get some fitness advisors to help. I know Tailwaggers Club Trust would love you to set up a JustGiving page for your sponsored slim!


  1. It is a great idea to get in shape, but my heart really does sink at the "shakes and bars" type of diet. If neither you nor your dog have been getting excercise, then just by building up to walks for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening you could potentially lose a decent amount of weight, and if you build it into your lifestyle, you are more likely to keep the weight off and stay in healthy habits. It really isn't good for you to lose a stone a month... I'm sure you've heard that before, but I had to say it again. I believe 2lb a week is a safe amount.

    Assuming you are both healthy and just a bit out of shape, start with 2 walks a day, 20 mins each, and if that's easy, half and hour the next day. If that is easy, up the amount each day til you get to your target time (that you can fit into your routine). Then, within that time, do bursts of power walking, throw a ball for your dog, play a game of tug. The secret (or not so secret) is to build up exercise gradually and make it as part of your lifestyle so that you never avoid it. Maybe even walk with a friend a couple of times a week. Work up to some hills. A couple of days out... a trip to the beach...

    It goes without saying to get yourself and your dog checked health-wise before starting on anything too strenuous.

    Just giving would be great for raising money and I do wish you well. Please be sensible and don't put your health at risk. Your body needs balanced fuel and exercise. So does your dog's.

    Good luck with it, and plenty of dogged determination...

  2. Hello and yes I am a dog owner/lover/rescuer for sheltie. The one suggestion I would offer would be to google "Canine Freestyle" or "Freestyle Obedience". It is a lot of fun and can be a lot of exercise once you get a routine going. It is putting you and your dogs movements to music.

  3. I did the lighterlife diet last year and lost five and a half stone. It is tough, but well worth it. I am so much fitter and healthier because of it and I too now do much more exercise with my dogs, admittedly I have recently lost my oldies and now have younger ones that need MUCH more exercise!! Gentle exercise is what you need to start with and build up gradually. I found that I didn't need to tone that much as it all went back to where it should do without much help!!! It's an excellent idea to do a sponsored slim as you will lose on average a half a stone a fortnight, so you should make quite a lot of money!!
