Friday, 20 February 2009

Worm worry

Help! I have just seen some sort of white rice grains on my dog’s tail. They seem to be moving and I though I could see one actually coming out of my dog’s backside! It’s gross! What are they? What should I do?
Mary Harris

What you are seeing is tapeworm segments, which are indeed leaving your dog’s gut via the anus, and have found their way onto his tail. I have to agree that it really is a most unpleasant sight.
There are two main issues to be addressed:
a) Are they a health risk? That all depends on the type of tapeworm involved. For your dog, it is a sign that there is an adult tapeworm living within his gut, which is deriving nutrients and shelter, as is the way of parasites, and should therefore be eliminated. For yourself, tapeworm segments are not a health risk; those tapeworm species causing disease in us are picked up as eggs from faeces of an infected main host.
b) How do I treat my dog? There are two main approaches to take in order to take control of the situation: direct action on the tapeworm – drug administered as tablet, injection or spot-on; indirect action – strict flea control (pets and environment). It is certainly easier than in cats, which will be picking up tapeworms from prey they catch ‘on the hoof’. However, there are some dogs who will eat undesirable snacks whilst out and about and who may therefore inadvertently pick up tapeworms in this way.
Alison Logan, vet

Obviously, prevention is better than cure. What worming products do you use and how effective are they?
Julia, Dogs Today

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