Saturday, 1 November 2008

Any suggestions?

I wonder if you can help, my friend’s 22month old German Shepherd called Cairo has recently been diagnosed with allergies to beef, pork, wheat, gluten and dairy products. Getting alternative food for him was not a problem but we cannot seem to find anything that he can actually chew! He can still be a bit destructive if being left but loves a rawhide chew bone which keeps him occupied for ages obviously he cannot get these anymore. We have tried him with a Kong but he looses interest in this very quickly. Do you know of anything similar that he could get?
Sheena Dickie, by email

If you have a helpful suggestion for Sheena's friend to try please do post a comment. A selection of the best replies will feature in a future magazine.

Just had this email:
Re. Sheena Dickie's note to you about alternative chews for Cairo the
German Shepherd with alergies, I am Cairo's Mum. I wanted to post a
thank you to everyone for their suggestions, but was unable to do so.
If you would pass this on for me I would be grateful. I am going to
give the ostrich chews a try. Fingers crossed!!!

Margaret & Cairo

A new problem will be added shortly! If you have a question you'd like answered please email it to me on and put "Dogs Today Think Tank" in the subject line so I don't lose it. If you find it difficult to post your replies to a current question you can email your response to me instead and I'll post it for you.


  1. Hi
    I have exactly the same problem with Copper who is allergic to beef, lamb and pork. I give her ostrich chews/tendon. They aren't always available but currently you can get some on, do a search for ostrich chews. They are sometimes available on, but be warned you would need the extra large ones not just the tendon. Copper also loves dried chicken breasts which are becoming more widely available but they don't last her very long!
    Good luck.

  2. Wow Michelle - ostrich chews! I am off to investigate.

    Great answer!

  3. Michelle had trouble posting a PS - so she emailed this to me...


    Further to my post about ostrich chews, I forgot about dried sweet potato chews. I get them from ebay and although they don't last as long as rawhide chews they last longer then dried chicken. They come in different sizes so they need to make sure that they get the right size for the dog.

    I also notice that Antos are making a hypoallergenic rice bone, which they say is very hard. I have asked for a list of ingredients and will let you know if they seem suitable.

    I tried to post again on the think tank but couldn't get it to work, I'm probably having a blonde/senior moment.

    Love the Think Tank idea, brilliant.

    Kind regards

    Michelle & Copper (the uninsurable one)

    It's a whole new world for me...sweet potato chews!! Oscar and Tess might be getting a bit of variety from their usual Pigs Ears and Tripe sticks!

    Wonder if Cairo and Copper can eat fish-treats? My other half is off to see Fish4Dogs today - will ask if they have anything suitable for the dogs to try.

  4. All the Fish4Dogs products are great & totally hypoallergenic. They are quite expensive though for rolled fish skins & wouldn't last a dog for long.

    Would Cairo gnaw on an inedible Nylabone chew? They come in bacon & chicken flavours. My Stafford loves them.

    I also give her raw carrots, although they are soon crunched up it's still something different to try.

  5. Just realised you want some info about us when we post Beverley.

    I am a pet owner. I share my home & life with Tala, my gorgeous Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

  6. Unfortunately Copper is allergic to fish, so fish skins would be out. I give them to my other dogs who really enjoy them but they only seem to come in small sizes. Thanks for the thought though.
    The rice bones have in them Rice, Rye Flour, Glycerine, Vegetable Fibres, Lecithin, Vegetable Based Flavourings, Titan Dioxide. I'm not sure about the Rye flour as I would have thought it contains gluten.
    I have given one to Sulley, who has a head about the size of a small shepherd (less said about his legs the better) and it lasted about 10 minutes.
    I brought a dehydrator and I cut chicken breasts into small pieces and use the dehydrator to dry them. These come out really well (and smell nice even to me)I can then use these for training or put them into a treat (biscuit) ball. Possibly Cairo might prefer this to a kong, as to start with you can make it really easy to get the bits out.
    I've looked on some of the websites in the States and they seem to have loads of wonderful natural treats and chews, really wish we could get some of them over here. One day.......

    Michelle & Coppper

  7. Thanks for the info about the rice bones. On here they are £2 for a pack of 3, although they are available in bulk.

    Chapstaff & Tala

  8. My two GSD are allergic to so many foods, lamb, beef etc.. However, Burns nutrition sell Venison ears. These chews are much appreciated by both dogs and they can eat these with no problems. They also eat Burns venison and rice dried food. Also Burns do fish treats in little squares. They are ok as well.
