Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Changing with the seasons


My name is Louise I have four dogs of different breeds, German Shepherd bitch 10 years, Patterdale male 8 years, mini Jack Russell bitch 3 years, Parsons Jack Russell bitch 2.5 years.

I run a boarding kennels, and over Christmas had the Parsons Jack Russell in for boarding. On the owners' return they told me they were going to just take her to a rehoming centre. They had got her from some sort of puppy farm, where she was kept in a stable, for the son who had left school and wasn't going out. They thought they would their son a dog to give him something to do and get him out of the house. That was fine until he started college and got a girlfriend; he then wasn't bothered with the dog, who suffers from separation anxiety, so once everyone was out she was barking non-stop and weeing and pooing everywhere so they decided to get rid.

When she was in my kennels she was a nervous, under-nourished, under-fed dog of under 6 kilos. I agreed to find her a home as I knew she would be hard to place in a rescue centre and would be in danger of being destroyed as people do not understand the time and commitment of separation anxiety.

She wasn't coping with the kennel life and was self-harming, so my partner and I decided as I had been socialising her with my three dogs at work she could come home as a foster dog. Well, she fitted in like she had always been there! The two Jack Russells cuddled up like cats, all of them best of friends.

Once she had been fed properly, nourished and put on some weight, she came into season. The owner said she had been spayed but we had our reservations, and we now know she had not been spayed. Well, it's like a switch had been flicked. She has turned into a monster to the other Jack Russell she was such good friends with before. She has now been in season seven weeks, and we have taken precautions to keep them separated with cages for the short time I have to do things. Then, when she is out, I keep her on a lead and muzzled, as at sight of my other Jack Russell she is going for the kill - she would rip her apart if she got hold of her. She did attack the other one twice when she first came into season.

The vet has now said we should spay her early this Friday 3rd May, but I have been reading up so much on this, and in the book I read it is best to avoid spaying bitches for two months after estrus. It says spaying during this time can result in a precipitous drop in progesterone levels with possible accompanying emotional disturbances, irritability aggression and depression. So I am now concerned as to whether this is going so solve the problem, or as to whether we will have to let her go, as this is not an option we want to do we really want to give her every chance as before this happened she was the most loving beautiful soft girl to all.

Hope you can help I'm at my wits end, with what is the best decision.


Louise Bramhall, by email

Karen Wild, behaviourist, advises...

Hi Louise, 

Whilst this is a veterinary question, from a behavioural point of view there is concern that to spay a dog during this period may prolong the problem. Each case must be looked at individually and perhaps there are temporary measures that can help whilst things are settling down. I would recommend asking for referral to a Veterinary Behaviourist without delay, who specializes in these problems. Please either email me on info@karenwild.co.uk or contact the APBC ( www.apbc.org.uk ) for someone in your area.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Running a tight chip

Hi DT team!

I’m a dog groomer and customers have been asking me for some time if I offer a microchipping service. Now it’s due to become compulsory in Wales in 2015, I was wondering how I can go about training to become a chipper? Are there any qualifications I need to take?


Michelle Baines, by email

Caring career


I have been in contact before, I am looking for a career in the dog world. I am a qualified dog groomer but I am looking into another careers with dogs. I am very passionate about them and have a lot of interest in issues around them such as BSL and their welfare.

I am looking to become a campaigns assistant or help support charities or groups to help dogs have better lives and education people into responsible dog ownership.

I have applied for jobs with leading animal charity but I don't seem to be getting anywhere. I was wondering weather there was smaller charities or groups I could get in contact with to help me find a career or advice to work towards this.
In a nutshell:
I have over a years admin and customer service/reception experience.
3 years experience as a kennel hand.
2 years experience as a dog groomer.
I spend a lot of my spare time on dog blogs and at dog shows.

I am so keen to find a job I care so passionately about and a job where I can really make a difference to dogs lives and their owners.

Kind regards,

Katie Page, via Facebook

New addition

Dear Dogs Today,

I’m emailing for advice as my husband and I have recently discovered we’re going to have a baby! This is our first baby and we’ve got two Border Terriers and would like some advice on how to prepare them for our new arrival.

This will be a new experience for us all so I’d like the best advice possible.

Thank you.

Natalie Kirby, by email

Expert advice
Trish Mahon, Family Paws Parent Education, advises…
Natalie it is terrific that you are getting prepared early on for the introduction of your baby into a two-dog household. You are at what Family Paws Parent Education calls our ‘Dogs and Storks’ stage. Early preparation will save you lots of stress in the later stages when you are perhaps tired with the demands of new motherhood. You have a lively breed in Border Terriers and this can be a good time to fine tune household manners.
Newly expectant parents often find themselves overwhelmed with well-meaning advice and you will find well-researched advice on our website www.familypaws.com including many videos and discussions and free downloads.  Before baby’s arrival is a good time to look at your dog’s behaviour and the possible impact that will have once the baby arrives. It’s a good idea to sit down and write a list of any issues you have now with the dogs. Writing it down may help to see something that jumps out at you as being a cause for concern, for example resource guarding of food or toys etc. How do the dogs seek attention?  How will that behaviour affect you when you are holding a baby in your arms?
This stage can be a great opportunity to teach your dogs a ‘relax on a mat’ routine if you have not already done so. Also thinking ahead you could teach and enjoy some games with the dogs that buy you time like stuffed Kong toys or treat dispensing toys. Naming your dog’s toys and having play sessions around ‘leave it’ and self-control exercises will help when you have a toddler on the floor down the line.
We always say you should never allow your dog’s free access to baby.
Learning to understand canine body language and the indications of stress in a dog will be one of the most rewarding and helpful lessons you can learn. Start looking at your dogs now and understand how they react to daily life. Put together a plan that includes the dogs in family life as excluding the dogs will result in more stress and less adaptability for your dog in learning to live with a baby. I also like to look at issues with smaller breeds such as teaching your dog to walk down the stairs ahead of you. Carrying a baby and wondering where your dogs are is stressful, so teach your dogs what you want to see them do to ensure you can move about safely.
Have a look at where the dogs sleep and how you will set up baby equipment. Try to keep the dogs’ routines going as much as possible and introduce them to items of baby equipment such as the buggy early on. Some dogs react to the sudden movements of quick release mechanism on buggies so practise all of this calmly and reward the dogs for good, calm behaviours.
If you have not crate trained your dogs, think ahead about how you will deal with times that you need the dogs in one place while you attend to the baby. Introduced in a positive way crates and gates are what we call ‘success stations’. This equipment can give you space and time and you will be sure your dogs are safe and provided for with a well stuffed Kong or similar while you get on with things.
Looking ahead to getting out and about with a buggy and two dogs, consider how your dogs act now. Are they happy to meet people/other dogs?  Sometimes the buggy and dogs will not work together and if so work out a plan so that the dogs get their required exercise. If your dogs are ok with it this can be the time to take up that offer of help from family and ask them to walk the dogs.
On your first day home with your baby don’t rush to introduce the dogs. This does not need to happen on that day and is best handled when you are calm. Believe me; your dogs are more interested in a pizza delivery than anything else. You do not need to do any dog and baby greeting until you are ready, and remember the dogs should never have free access to the baby. Once your baby arrives practise awake, adult supervision of dogs and baby at all times.
If either of the dogs’ current behaviours cause you concern consult an approved trainer or behaviourist for some help. Enjoy your bonding time with your baby and best of luck with these exciting times ahead.
www.familypaws.com, www.dogsandstorks.com

Tamsin Durston, Blue Cross Nurse Manager and dog behaviour advisor says…
Blue Cross has lots of advice to help you ease your dogs into the changes ahead. It can often be quite stressful and confusing for dogs when a new baby suddenly arrives. It is a good idea to start preparing them as soon as you can so that they take the new arrival in their stride.
Calmly introducing your dogs to some of the sights and smells associated with a baby can help them adjust to some of the changes in the home before the time comes. For example, having strong smelling baby shampoos around objects like the cot and Moses basket in place before your baby is using them.
Practice taking your dogs out for a walk next to a pushchair, if they pull on their lead they may need some further training. You may also find that you have less time for walks when the baby comes or towards the end of your pregnancy, so see if friends and relatives can help walk your dog to make sure they still gets the exercise and mental stimulation they need.
Start getting your dogs used to being apart from you in the home. They may need to be when the baby arrives, for when you have visitors or when you want to feed your baby. Get them used to this now by popping them in a room behind a stair gate with a tasty treat for short periods, gradually increase the time until it becomes part of their usual routine.
Don't forget that is important that babies and children must always be supervised around dogs and never left alone with them for any amount of time.
We hope our advice helps and best of luck with your new arrival
We have lots more advice and tips online at www.bluecross.org.uk/dogandbaby

Pollen gets in your eyes, and up your nose

Hello to the team at Dogs Today.

I’m hoping you can help. I know this is a forum for doggie advice, but I’m hoping you can help a human! Spring’s been a bit later this year, and I’m just feeling my hayfever beginning to start. It’s at its worst at my favourite time of day – the afternoon dog walk. Anti-histamines do give me headaches, so I was wondering if you know of anything natural I can take or use to keep me from getting concerned looks from other dog walkers as I look like I’ve been crying with my streaming eyes and nose!

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

Kind regards,

Mrs Ashton, by email

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Where to go in Padstow?

Hi Bev,

We’re off to Padstow in Cornwall shortly. Do you know which nearby beaches are dog-friendly in May? Any other tips fro dog-friendly places to go in Cornwall generally?
Mike Ward, by email

Friday, 26 April 2013

How do I train my hard of hearing pup?


my 16-week-old Border Collie pup Mabel is partially deaf, my vet is referring her for a hearing test so we know how much hearing she has.

I am using lots of hand signals in her training, I wondered if any body had any experience and tips on training a hard of hearing pup.


Debbie Broadway, via Facebook

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Sore paw

Good afternoon,

I wonder if you could help me please? My dog managed to get something stuck in his paw and although it’s now out, he’s been left with a wound. I’ve got some doggie Savlon but can you suggest some good boots or similar to protect it on walks while it’s healing?

Thank you.


Mrs N. Christopher, by email

War against trenches

Our four-year-old Golden Retriever is obsessed with a ball; the only trouble is that she skids to a halt when I throw the ball for her on our lawn. We now have a muddy trench in the garden.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what surface we could put down on the grass to protect it and her?

David Ingram, by email

Throw a wobbly

I’ve recently rehomed a gorgeous collie cross and we attended our first beginners’ agility class last week. The trainer mentioned a wobble board can be helpful for new starters, so I’ve had a Google but I don’t really know where to start and was hoping you could point me in the right direction.

If any of your readers has used a wobble board I’d be grateful for their advice, too.

Thank you.

Paula and Tess, by email

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Itchy and flakey

My dog has dandruff and scratches all the time. She has big patches where the hair has fallen out and vet cant help. Any advice?
Via Twitter

Monday, 15 April 2013

Chip fail

Can you do anything to highlight the problems with failed chips? I was assured by Virbac that my chip would continue to work. We are currently in Switzerland and his chip has failed. I now have to leave him behind and come back for him when his Swiss passport is valid. I know that I am not the only one. They should be replacing all of these chips not just waiting for them to fail. This is causing me a massive amount of emotional stress! 

Many thanks,

Karen Walker, by email

In the shade

Dear Dogs Today,

I have a very elderly (15 years, 10 months) and very fit black Lab called Bess. 
She has developed severe twitching which is caused by bright light especially sunlight. Bess is still fit enough to go for walks and enjoys sniffing around the garden so she needs to be able to get outside without the sun affecting her.

My husband Doug and I have adjusted some human sunglasses to shade her eyes but these are not perfect. 
I have looked on the web and seen "Doggles" but I am not convinced they will stay in place and she will be able to see through them (her eye sight is not brilliant, not surprisingly at her age).

Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?

Tracey Hammond, pet Labrador owner for >40 years

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Researching research

When the latest copy of Dogs Today dropped on to my doormat, I was intrigued to find inside a leaflet about stem cell therapy helping arthritis. I’m interested to know more and discover how it works. Please could you tell me more?

Rosie Clare, by email

Plenty of fish

I’ve noticed an increase in the number of dog foods available containing fish, mainly salmon. Is it ok for dogs to eat fish and, if so, what are the benefits?


Lisa Johns, by email

Harringtons Pet Food says...

Fish is a valuable source of protein for dogs. As on the whole it is low in saturated fats but high in unsaturated fats such as Omega 3.  This is particularly the case for fatty fish such as salmon and trout.  A diet high in omega 3 may help maintain a healthy heart and vascular system and it can have beneficial effects on the joints.  Omega 3 helps to maintain supple skin and a glossy coat and it has been shown to play a supportive role in immune system function.

Fish is also palatable to many dogs and can be a useful alternative protein source for animals that suffer from allergies relating to meats such as beef and chicken.

Dog's gift

I need some ideas of a small gift to say thank you to my daughter's class teacher at the end of the year. She's agility mad, and has Border Collies. Can anyone recommend anything suitable in the £10 region?
Katie's mum, via email

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Sign of what?

I've read a lot of conflicting opinions recently about whether 'Beware of the dog' signs are a legal requirement in the UK. Some have told me if you have a sign and someone on your property is injured by your dog, you are exempt from prosecution.Please could you clarify this?

Thank you.

Andy, via Facebook

Neil Burton, chairman of the National Dog Warden Association advises...

The Guard Dogs Act 1975 requires that should a dog be used as a guard dog then each entrance to that property or premises should have a sign  that informs that guard Dogs are there. If a dog or dogs are being used at a location the dogs must be under the control of a handler. If there is nobody at the location, the dogs must be secured and not roaming free.

The use of signs at residential properties warns callers that there is a dog present but there are many types of signs available, some of which are humorous. Would a sign that says 'The Remains Of Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted' be treated as a legal warning? The use of signs that make a caller aware that a dog is at the property, or 'dogs running free' is more advisory than 'Beware of the Dog' which may be seen as an admission.

As a safeguard I would personally use a sign that advised rather than stated in case of any possible legal interpretation that may result should there be an incident.

Learning lessons

Can you help Charlotte with her university essay looking at the Dangerous Dogs Act? 

If so, email her your thoughts: cbburt@essex.ac.uk


My essay is going to critically look at the DDA and highlight how it is fundamentally failing to achieve its aims and also highlighting how it punishes 'breeds' not 'deeds', a popular phrase I've seen being used. 

Any information on the issue would be gratefully received. 
In particular I need more information on the proposals, recent changes and any statistics regarding attacks or even how many bully breeds are now in rescues/shelters. 
Thank you. 
Kind regards, 
Charlotte, via Twitter

Monday, 8 April 2013

A case in joint


I own an eight-year-old Toy Poodle who trains hard and competes at both agility and canine freestyle and has done since he was 18 months. He has never substained an obvious injury but this past year has been showing stiffness in his joints after training. This is usually in the evening and with a rest he seems fine by the morning.

I was wondering if anyone could reccomend a supplement for him as he is not currently on anything. Or do any of your readers have experience of other techniques helping, such as physio? I'd be grateful for any feedback.

Thank you.

Ruth Harris, Norfolk

Chewing it over. And over. And over.

I have a three-year-old Collie cross and he has a habit of stealing items to chew. He doesn't do it whilst I am out of the house so I think it may be for attention. He does it when I am in the room, or in another room, and started after we had had him for about six months (aged two).

He has off-lead walks and games of fetch every day and he has his food in treat balls, Kongs or scattered. He has lots of toys and chews (stag bars/rawhide) but gets quickly bored. I've tried swapping for treats and other items but I think that has made it worse and am now putting him in his crate when he does it. I remove what I can but he will take cushions off the couch, clothing and newspapers.

Any ideas as to the best way to stop this behaviour? Should I just persevere with the crate/time out? He has also growled a few times when I have tried to take things from him.

Many thanks,

Jack's mum

Parvo risk

I’ve seen quite a few warnings recently about the seemingly increasing risk or parvovirus in the UK, and sadly I’ve read stories about very young pups dying from it just days after their owners have brought them home.

My girl is four years. Is she at risk from parvo as she’s older than a pup. Should I be vaccinating her regularly? 

Thank you.

Jackie Davis, by email

Friday, 5 April 2013

Made for walking

Any recommendations on very comfortable dog walking trainers or shoes? I’m fed up with blisters!

Danielle Sawdy, via Twitter

Sue at Brasher says...

Brasher walking boots and shoes are instantly comfortable straight from the box, you can find out more at www.brasher.co.uk.  However, everyone's feet are different so I would recommend the following steps to ensure your get the right fit for your feet:

Advice to remember when getting boots fitted:

  • Late morning/afternoon is best as feet usually swell during the day
  • Ensure the shop staff provide a clean fresh pair of tester socks in the correct size
  • As a secondary check, slide the foot forward so the foot is touching the front of the unlaced boot. In this position there should be a fingers width behind the heel
  • Remember to go for comfort above look as the deciding factor
I hope this helps - happy dog walking!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Realising potential

I’ve recently started doing local agility classes with my Golden Retriever, Milo. I purchased some of the Rosewood mini jumps so we could practice in the garden – he LOVES it! At home he is attentive, he watches me and listens to commands and is a pleasure to train! But, once we get to the class, he turns into a different dog! I can’t keep his attention on me, he runs off between obstacles - the temptation of other dogs is just too much!

It’s so disappointing to think I’ll have to go back a step and put him on the leash again. Is there anyone out there that had this problem or anyone who can give me some help! - I don’t think the other members of the class believe me when I tell them how good he is at home!

Milo’s mummy, by email

On the watch

My Cardigan Welsh Corgi is always scanning the environment both for things that are dangerous (she has a nervous disposition) but also for things that move or change in the environment. I wouldn't say it is a constant behaviour, she's brilliant one minute but something will trigger her and she gets reactive to everything in the environment and everything seems to be scary/dangerous. Kids are probably one of the biggest triggers for her, I think because they are so unpredictable (screaming, running etc) she has associated them with a negative fear and she has chased a few (mostly barking, she has great bite inhibition though).

Obviously I keep her on lead around kids and use counter conditioning as much as I can but sometimes I won't see a kid or a kid won't be there when I let her off lead and it suddenly appears.

I was thinking of putting her on some valerian mixture as I've heard of good results and hopefully I can use behaviour modification alongside to keep her below threshold.

I've looked at definitions of hypervigilance and I think she has elements of it in her behaviour but there doesn't seem to be enough info on the topic online. I wondered if anyone had ever come across this before?

Thank you,

Anneka Burek, via Facebook

Karen Wild, behaviourist, advises...

Hi Anneka

For those unfamiliar with what you describe, imagine a situation where things feel threatening or unusual and are surrounding you. Any animal (including humans!) will keep an extra look out for potential dangers in these circumstances. This constant searching and looking around can be known as hypervigilance.

When working with stressed animals in practice, we do see them ‘scanning’ the environment in this way when feeling under pressure. You definitely have the correct instinct about your Corgi’s behaviour. Where I think I would differ is that I find hypervigilance to be symptom of stress, rather than a condition in itself. So, the important action for you is to get to the bottom of the safe-dangerous context for your dog. In this way you can reduce her stress by making previously ‘unsafe’ things and situations feel safer and more predictably rewarding. At the moment she could well think that they are predictably unpleasant. She may also feel that she cannot escape from them and is taking choices to make the scary things go away by running at them! The risk of this escalating into a bite is evident.

There are a number of things you can do to help her, and counter-conditioning when done thoroughly can really improve things. In the meantime as you are finding there is the uncontrolled element of ‘real life’ where the risks must be assessed and dealt with. So, for example, if you have a very responsive recall then you can allow the dog to have more freedom, but if you are still at a stage where this is unreliable, then letting her off lead should only be done in an area where you have control over the environment i.e. no sudden entrance points for example. Alternatively using a long line can permit a degree of controlled and relaxed freedom, along with some important safety rules about line usage of course!

Some dogs really do not respond well to children, and although we can work hard to get the dog to enjoy kids rather than simply tolerate them, it is possible that it is always going to be a bit too much for some dogs. In this instance walks themselves risk becoming highly stressful for everyone, so some owners I work with make a choice to avoid those particular walks and situations and choose other ones instead.

Sometimes the whole process really needs picking apart and for this I would recommend you employ a qualified APBC behaviourist with the necessary training skills to help you implement a thorough program, helping you both to reach a long-term solution.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Weight on my mind

Hi Dogs Today,

My family and I have recently inherited my late great aunt’s Bichon Frise. She’s seven years old and is very sweet, but has a sweet tooth, and my dear aunt, being a sweet lady, used to feed her sweet things, meaning Bella is rather rotund.

We’re first-time dog owners and don’t have much of a clue I’m afraid, so any guidance as to how we can help get Bella down a dress size or two would be gratefully appreciated.

Thank you.

Lynne O’Connor, by email

Falling between stools

Dear Dogs Today,

We are the proud owners of a three-
year-old (four in June) Tamaskan bitch and an eight-year-old collie cross bitch. Our problem lies with Willow, the Tamaskan. As is common with Arctic breeds she has a very sensitive digestive system and when she was a young adult she was fed Burns Venison and Brown Rice with very little disruption to her digestion. Unfortunately a couple of years ago we had difficulty sourcing that particular type and slowly introduced her onto Burns Chicken and Brown Rice. She had the occasional upset if she happened to scavenge but, within a couple of days, back to her usual self.

Early January this year she had a bout of chronic diarrhoea with liquid faeces evacuated under pressure! A campylobacter infection was positive from stool sample and treated with antibiotics. She was on Royal Canin Chicken and Rice sensitive for the duration. Three consecutive days stool samples after the antibiotics were clear.

Now, however, she has had diarrhoea for almost four weeks. She also came into season at the same time and the first couple of weeks she had very loose stools progressing to liquid (as described above). Her season has been slightly different too in that at no point has it become copious as previous but more just drips.

We initially fed her Royal Canin Chicken and Rice with the vet prescribing Pro-kolin with no improvement. If anything it became slightly worse with what looked like undigested fat among the liquid. A blood sample to check her pancreatic function came back normal. By now we had progressed onto boiled rice and chicken which we prepared ourselves, again with no improvement to the consistency. She eventually took a dislike to the boiled rice and would pick the chicken out. She has lost about a kilo of weight in a week on top of the weight she had already lost. She is currently about 19.6kg.

Vet is now thinking about a small bowel biopsy for a definitive diagnosis but a further blood test for biochemical levels showed that her blood protein and albumin levels as very low but there is no infection present. Quite rightly the vet does not want to biopsy her while her bloods are like this. Started on Prednisolone (5mg three tablets, twice daily) five days ago and feeding her, on the vet's advice, on boiled chicken and some Burns Chicken and Brown Rice. After the first 24 hours she produced her first solid poo in almost a month. The elation was short-lived however and we then went from cow pat consistency to liquid again today. Follow up appointment with vet in two days.

We are really very worried and she is very subdued and depressed. She has never lost her appetite although she would leave the boiled rice. We would be extremely grateful to hear from anyone whose had a dog with similar symptoms and what did they do? Should we change her diet completely (obviously would have to be introduced over time). Could she have developed an allergy to chicken? That seems to have been the only constant through all of this

The collie cross throughout this has been on her usual diet of Burns Chicken and Brown Rice and has no problems. She was tested for campylobacter during the first episode and she was clear.

Kind regards,

Andrina Robertson, by email

Unknown quantity

I read Richard Allport's article about the chemicals in "spot on" flea treatments and he said he uses garlic in his dogs food which is something I have done for many years, my dogs have never had fleas, ticks or worms. I particularly want to avoid chemicals now as my best friend Judy (black Lab) has multi allergy problems which includes a mud rash, interdigital cysts and ear problems. I buy white fish, cook jacket potatoes and give her a selection of veg along with evening primrose and garlic. 

I was horrified when I read the poisons article, I knew about onions but it says including garlic and leeks! Should I be giving her garlic like Richard suggests or am I poisoning her? 

Please help I am very confused.

Maria Ashworth, by email

Price hike

Good morning,

I am emailing to ask for help and advise regarding pet insurance. I have an eight-year-old Lab with ongoing thyroid and atophi. I have been registered with More Than since 2009. The insurance has been raising and recently I received the renewal for this year which raised from £27 to £43 pounds. I contacted the service who adviced me the Brighton has a higher rate of pet insurance due to vet bills and because of my dog's age.

I tried to contact other companies but they wouldn't consider previous illness. Do you know any insurance who would consider previous ilness? it is becoming unberable to pay this amount of pet insurance for month considering that I also have to pay dog walking every day. I am spending about £300 a month with my dog with food (holistic), pet insurance and dog walking, medication and vet.

Please help.


Name supplied, by email

By accident or design?


My three-year-old rescue Greyhound boy does not lift his leg high enough when he pees and consequently his lovely white paws always get a shower. It's a shame as although I wash them, it is starting to stain. He is a very tall Greyhound and I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

Is there anything I can do to help him?

Thank you,

Angela Yardley, by email